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  • The Cyclist Conspiracy
    The Cyclist Conspiracy

    The Cyclist Conspiracy


    Izdavačka kuća Geopoetika, uz pomoć Ministarstva kulture Republike Srbije, pokrenula je ediciju Serbian Prose in Translation/ Srpska proza u prevodu.

    Ovaj projekat podrazumeva kontinuirano, sistematsko i organizovano objavljivanje dela savremenih srpskih pisaca na strane jezike, za početak na engleski, i na taj način predstavlja širenje srpske kulture u svetu.

    Knjige iz ove edicije prodavaće se isključivo na srpskom tržištu. Međutim, mnogo veći značaj leži u tome što će se one naći u slavističkim centrima, bibliotekama i univerzitetima širom sveta, i na stranom jeziku predstavljati sve što je relevantno u srpskoj knjiiževnosti na najznačajnijim svetskim sajmovima knjiga. Izuzetna dela savremene srpske književnosti, potpuno nepravedno nedovoljno zastupljena u svetu, uz najviši mogući kvalitet prevoda, postaće konačno dostupna i izvan naših granica.

    When The Cyclist Conspiracy appeared two decades ago, it was considered a kind of cultural excess, a provocation that stirred the literary audience of the time. It is likely that it still does.

    Masterfully intertwining the threads of waking and dreams into the fabric of present, past and future, Basara’s novel leads the reader into depths of reflection never imagined possible. Rising from the musty cellar of a local library in the backwaters of western Serbia, the author guides us through a fantastic maze of (fictitious or factual?) documentation to one of the greatest held secrets of all times: an ancient Brotherhood, meeting and planning in the realm beyond sleep, are guiding the destiny of humankind into the arms of Providence - from the future. Drawing the reader into a broad circle of eccentric characters, historical and literary figures (from Charles the Hideous to Nietzsche, Sherlock Holmes and Freud), Basara calls into question the unities of space and time, proving once and for all a truth that we all know in our heart of hearts: History is in the eye of the beholder.

    ’Some books grow old with years, some are rejuvenated, some remain the same. But extremely rare are those that manage to force reality to change and adapt to what is written in them. Some twenty years ago The Cyclist Conspiracy seemed like postmodern brick-a-brack. Today, it is a historical record that becomes more and more true with every new day. ’

    David Albahari

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 276

    Povez: Meki povez, 20cm

    God.izdanja: 2009.

    Izdavač: Geopoetika

    ISBN: 9788676661954

    Šifra: 8880
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    Br.strana: 276

    Povez: Meki povez, 20cm

    God.izdanja: 2009.

    Izdavač: Geopoetika

    ISBN: 9788676661954

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