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  • Nikola Tesla 1856-1943: Knowledge, Thought, Work, Education
    Nikola Tesla 1856-1943: Knowledge, Thought, Work, Education

    Nikola Tesla 1856-1943: Knowledge, Thought, Work, Education


    The book Nikola Tesla 1856-1943: Knowledge, Thought, Work, Education by Drenka Dobrosavljević offers a profound exploration of the life and education of one of the greatest geniuses in history, Nikola Tesla. Tesla was not only an exceptional inventor and engineer but also a self-educated scholar whose thirst for knowledge played a pivotal role in his extraordinary career.

    This book delves deep into Tesla’s journey towards acquiring knowledge and self-confidence, starting from his early days. While Tesla had the opportunity to attend formal schooling, his relentless desire for knowledge led him to explore and learn independently. The book reveals that Tesla mastered a dozen languages, immersed himself in literature and art, and devoted his prime years to immersing himself in libraries, devouring a wide array of materials that came his way. However, at one point, he questioned whether he had squandered his life in these seemingly fruitless pursuits. He contemplated what he might have achieved if he had come to America earlier and dedicated all his intellectual prowess to inventive work. In his later years, he realized that without the scientific training he received, he might not have produced anything noteworthy, raising doubts about his initial theory regarding his potential accomplishments.

    The book highlights Tesla’s interactions with several professors who played a pivotal role in his education. Notable among them were Professor Rogner, who taught arithmetical subjects and geometry; Professor Poeschl, who held the chair of theoretical and experimental physics, and Dr. Allè, an expert in integral calculus and differential equations. Dr. Allè, in particular, emerges as a brilliant lecturer who took a keen interest in Tesla’s progress. He often spent hours in the lecture room, presenting Tesla with challenging problems that delighted him. It was to Dr. Allè that Tesla explained his concept for a flying machine, one grounded in solid scientific principles rather than illusory ideas, and which later became achievable through his turbine invention, poised to be introduced to the world.

    In essence, Nikola Tesla 1856-1943: Knowledge, Thought, Work, Education provides a profound glimpse into Tesla’s intellectual curiosity, his dedication to learning, and his ability to apply acquired knowledge to create groundbreaking inventions. It tells the story of a man who changed the world through his ingenious work and inspires us to appreciate the importance of education and a passion for knowledge.

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 198

    Povez: tvrdi

    God.izdanja: 2023.

    Izdavač: Prometej Novi Sad

    ISBN: 9788651522263

    Šifra: 235562
    Cena: 3.500 rsd

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    Br.strana: 198

    Povez: tvrdi

    God.izdanja: 2023.

    Izdavač: Prometej Novi Sad

    ISBN: 9788651522263

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