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  • The Laughing Seagull
    The Laughing Seagull

    The Laughing Seagull


    The Laughing Seagull by Nikola Malović is described as an allegorical novel that resonates with the times we live in and the waves of change that are approaching. This unique book, while appearing cartoon-like, is primarily intended for adult readers. Its appeal is such that it is predicted that 12-year-olds who read it will eventually read it to their own children, sharing both laughter and enjoyment.

    The novel centers around the main character, Simon the Seagull, who is set against the backdrop of Boka Kotorska, described as the most beautiful bay in the world. The story is crafted in such a way that it cultivates a lifelong love for both the character and the setting in its readers. This suggests that the novel not only tells an engaging story but also captures the beauty and essence of Boka Kotorska, making it an integral part of the reading experience.

    Više detalja

    God.izdanja: 2023.

    Izdavač: Knjiga komerc

    Dostupnost: isporuka za 7 - 10 dana za ovu knjigu
    Šifra: 235083
    Cena: 1.400 rsd

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    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    God.izdanja: 2023.

    Izdavač: Knjiga komerc

    Dostupnost: isporuka za 7 - 10 dana za ovu knjigu
    Komentari čitalaca
