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  • The Casual Vacancy
    The Casual Vacancy

    The Casual Vacancy


    A big novel about a small town...

    When Barry Fairbrother dies in his early forties, the town of Pagford is left in shock.

    Pagford is, seemingly, an English idyll, with a cobbled market square and an ancient abbey, but what lies behind the pretty façade is a town at war.

    Rich at war with poor, teenagers at war with their parents, wives at war with their husbands, teachers at war with their pupils...Pagford is not what it first seems.

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 512

    Povez: mek

    God.izdanja: 2013.

    Izdavač: Autorsko izdanje

    ISBN: 978-0316228589

    Šifra: 104741
    Cena: 3.190 rsd

    potrebna količina:

    Odaberite izdanje:

    dostavadostava i poŠtarina

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    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    Br.strana: 512

    Povez: mek

    God.izdanja: 2013.

    Izdavač: Autorsko izdanje

    ISBN: 978-0316228589

    Komentari čitalaca
