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  • Serbian Cuisine
    Serbian Cuisine

    Serbian Cuisine


    Since ancient times, mores and amenities have played an important role in preserving the identity of a people.

    Most of the Serbian population in the Middle Ages were sebri – farmers with a rich tradition, and all the richness of Serbian cuisine is derived from its geographic, ethnic and cultural diversity, which result from centuries of population mixing.

    Through the preserved Serbian cuisine recipes, the reader will get to know some ethnic motifs, and only a small part of huge Serbian natural resources.

    Today we witness many examples of the adjustment of tradition to a completely different, modern way of life. However, the old values and respect for nature have never been entirely suppressed in Serbia.

    Svi recepti tradicionalne srpske kuhinje na jednom mestu, u luksuznom Deretinom izdanju na engleskom jeziku, sa preciznim receptima i fotografijama jela. Knjiga je štampana u punom koloru, na kunsdruku.

    Autorka Olivera Grbić je predstavila recepte za:

    · Supe i čorbe
    · Hladna i vruća predjela
    · Jela bez mesa
    · Jela s mesom
    · Jela s roštilja
    · Riblje specijalitete
    · Salate
    · Deserti
    · Zimnica, kompot i džem

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 186

    Povez: Tvrdi povez

    God.izdanja: 2019.

    Izdavač: Dereta

    ISBN: 9788673469300

    Šifra: 20663
    Cena: 2.860 rsd

    potrebna količina:

    Odaberite izdanje:

    dostavadostava i poŠtarina

    nacin placanjanaČin plaĆanja

    Opcije plaćanje za kupce iz Srbije:

    - pouzećem prilikom isporuke knjiga
    - internet karticama Visa,Maestro i Mastercard
    - preko IPS skeniraj - mBanking aplikacije
    - putem uplatnice na šalteru pošte ili banke

    Opcije plaćanje za kupce iz inostranstva:

    - pouzećem za kupce iz BIH i Crne Gore
    - putem PayPal sistema
    - internet karticama Visa, Maestro i MasterCard

    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    Br.strana: 186

    Povez: Tvrdi povez

    God.izdanja: 2019.

    Izdavač: Dereta

    ISBN: 9788673469300

    Komentari čitalaca
