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  • Project Management ToolBox: Tools and Techniques for the Practicing Project Manager
    Project Management ToolBox: Tools and Techniques for the Practicing Project Manager

    Project Management ToolBox: Tools and Techniques for the Practicing Project Manager

    Martinelli, Russ J.; Milosevic, Dragan Z.


    This is an International Edition. Brand New, Paperback, Similar Contents as U.S Edition, ISBN and Cover design may differ, printed in Black & White. In some instances, subjects such as Management, Accounting, Finance may have different end chapter case studies and exercises. International Edition Textbooks may bear a label "Not for sale in the U.S. or Canada" and "Content may different from U.S. Edition" - printed only to discourage U.S. students from obtaining an affordable copy. The U.S. Supreme Court has asserted your right to purchase international editions, and ruled on this issue. Access code/CD is not provided with these editions , unless specified.

    Više detalja

    Povez: soft or hard

    Izdavač: TP Books

    ISBN: 9781118973127

    Dostupnost: isporuka za 4 nedelje
    Šifra: 87287
    Cena: 16.500 rsd

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    Povez: soft or hard

    Izdavač: TP Books

    ISBN: 9781118973127

    Dostupnost: isporuka za 4 nedelje
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