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  • Improvising Blues Guitar
    Improvising Blues Guitar

    Improvising Blues Guitar


    This unique book gives an in-depth insight into blues guitar, from early Chicago Blues, through Memphis and Detroit Blues, the British Blues boom, Jazz Blues and many other blues genres, right up to the blues styles of today's hottest guitarists.Focusing on the playing styles of influential guitarists, author John Wheatcroft teaches the basics of blues improvisation and shows how it has developed over the years. Learn how to solo like classic blues guitarists B. B. King, John Lee Hooker and Albert Collins and then move on to find out more about the playing styles of Eric Clapton, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Robben Ford and many others.
    Simple step-by-step guides introduce basic techniques, harmony and theory, with demo solos and backing tracks on the accompanying CD.

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 224

    Povez: 23x30

    God.izdanja: 2007..

    Izdavač: Autorsko izdanje

    Zemlja porekla: UK

    ISBN: 1902455916

    Dostupnost: za 15 - 30 dana po uplati
    Šifra: 24945
    Cena: 4.385 rsd

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    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    Br.strana: 224

    Povez: 23x30

    God.izdanja: 2007..

    Izdavač: Autorsko izdanje

    Zemlja porekla: UK

    ISBN: 1902455916

    Dostupnost: za 15 - 30 dana po uplati
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