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  • History of Greece: From the Beginnings to the Byzantine Era
    History of Greece: From the Beginnings to the Byzantine Era

    History of Greece: From the Beginnings to the Byzantine Era



    Contents :

    Translator’s Preface
    Preface to the 1st Edition
    Preface to the 2nd Edition
    Preface to the 4th Edition
    The Early Ages of Greece
    Migration & Transition
    The Greek Colonisation 800-500
    Politics & Society in the Colonisation Period
    The Growth of Power
    The Persian Wars
    Fifty Crucial Years
    The Peloponnesian War
    The Decline of the Greek Polis
    Philip II of Macedonia
    Alexander the Great
    The Hellenistic Monarchies
    Hellenistic Civilization
    The Hellenistic States Under Roman Supremacy
    The Greeks in the Roman Empire
    Sources & Notes
    Research 1976-87
    King Lists
    Chronological Table

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