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  • Energy Management and Efficiency for the Process Industries
    Energy Management and Efficiency for the Process Industries

    Energy Management and Efficiency for the Process Industries


    This book is a ?go-to? source for industrial energy management programs. It addresses the needs of engineers and managers who are designing and implementing policies and programs for energy management and energy efficiency. It introduces a framework for an industrial energy management program, provides illustrations, and discusses the basic principles of the component elements of the program.

    The book is divided into two sections. The first section addresses organizational and human interaction aspects, including practical advice for avoiding common missteps. Chapters focus on program goal setting, benchmarking, strategies, priorities, and roles of site personnel, as well as discussions on implementing selected energy initiatives, experiences from multiple companies and plant sites, and ideas for engaging and motivating personnel.

    The second section deals with the more technical aspects of energy management and energy efficiency ? things that you might consider traditional chemical engineering. Chapters focus on the plant systems and equipment most important to process energy savings, with guidance on data gathering, evaluation and analysis, together with proven options for achieving improvements in energy efficiency.

    Product Description: Provides a unique overview of energy management for the process industries

    Provides an overall approach to energy management and places the technical issues that drive energy efficiency in context
    Combines the perspectives of freewheeling consultants and corporate insiders
    In two sections, the book provides the organizational framework (Section 1) within which the technical aspects of energy management, described in Section 2, can be most effectively executed
    Includes success stories from three very different companies that have achieved excellence in their energy management efforts
    Covers energy management, including the role of the energy manager, designing and implementing energy management programs, energy benchmarking, reporting, and energy management systems
    Technical topics cover efficiency improvement opportunities in a wide range of utility systems and process equipment types, as well as techniques to improve process design and operation

    Više detalja

    God.izdanja: 2015.

    Izdavač: Autorsko izdanje

    ISBN: 9781118838259

    Šifra: 81981
    Cena: 12.806 rsd

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    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    God.izdanja: 2015.

    Izdavač: Autorsko izdanje

    ISBN: 9781118838259

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