Adaptive Code via C#: Class and Interface Design, Design Patterns, and SOLID Principles
Your process may be agile, but are you building agility directly into the code base? This book teaches .NET programmers how to give code the flexibility to adapt to changing requirements and customer demands by applying cutting-edge techniques, including SOLID principles, design patterns, and other industry best practices.
Br.strana: 544
Povez: 20x22 cm
God.izdanja: 2014.
Izdavač: Autorsko izdanje
Zemlja porekla: United Kingdom
ISBN: 978-0735683204
Cena: 6.450 rsd
potrebna količina:
Br.strana: 544
Povez: 20x22 cm
God.izdanja: 2014.
Izdavač: Autorsko izdanje
Zemlja porekla: United Kingdom
ISBN: 978-0735683204
Kupci koji su kupili ovu knjigu kupili su i:
Cena: 1.276 rsd
Cena: 2.420 rsd
Cena: 2.420 rsd
Cena: 1.540 rsd
Cena: 3.500 rsd
Cena: 1.900 rsd
Cena: 1.900 rsd
Cena: 770 rsd
Cena: 1.400 rsd
Cena: 1.650 rsd
Cena: 1.210 rsd
Cena: 1.012 rsd
Cena: 1.100 rsd
Cena: 1.760 rsd