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  • Uterus Effects
    Uterus Effects

    Uterus Effects

    Grupa autora


    The publication ’’Uterus Effects’’ is an experimental-feminist endeavor aimed at identifying and analyzing social, political and cultural interpretations of the reproductive system organs’ functions (maternity) and dysfunctions (diseases). Given that there is a lack of public discourse and insufficient attention is paid to women in their late pregnancy, after childbirth, or during the recovery from cancer surgery or some other diseases of reproductive organs, this publication has aspired to provide the necessary space for all those who wanted to share their own experience, or reflections on this issue. An important aspect of thinking about this topic is the context of art, and art as a potential therapeutic agent for the faster psycho-physical recovery.

    Više detalja

    Povez: Broš

    Izdavač: Aletea

    ISBN: 9783200068414

    Šifra: 180159
    Cena: 1.100 rsd

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    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    Povez: Broš

    Izdavač: Aletea

    ISBN: 9783200068414

    Komentari čitalaca
