Tuesdays at two / Belgrade Writers
Knjiga Tuesdays at Two nastala je kao plod dvogoipodišnje radionice sastavljene od pisaca koji su se utorkom u dva svake sedmice okupljali u beogradskim stanovima. Reč je o grupi prijatelja koja se u Beogradu zatekla sa svih strana sveta i koja je na ovaj način htela da izrazi svoje impresije o Beogradu, njegovim stanovnicima i običajima, ali da se ujedno i zabavi kroz ovakva okupljanja i druženja.
Nakon izrazito plodnog iskustva, grupa je shvatila da pred sobom ima zanimljiv materijal koji bi bio čitak i pitak za širu publiku i odlučila je da objavi knjigu – zbirku najzanimljivijih priča i pesama.
Belgrade Writers pokrivaju čitaoca ćilimom satkanim od materijala različitih kultura, razonode i topline, dok ga istovremeno izlažu neizmernom zadovoljstvu. Priče ove novonastale grupe međunarodnih pisaca istražuju Beograd i šire, dok pružaju sveže perspektive na vekovne teme kao što su život i ljubav. Na stranicama Tuesdays at Two naći će se ponečeg za svakoga.
The book Tuesdays at Two is the end product of a two-and-a-half years long workshop consisting of writers who were meeting in Belgrade apartments each Tuesday at 2 p.m. They are a group of friends who found themselves in Belgrade, coming from all over the world and who, in this manner, wanted to express their impressions of Belgrade, its inhabitants and their customs, but also to have fun through gatherings and companionship. After a particularly fruitful experience, the group realised that they had readable material in front of them, which would appeal to a wider audience and decided to publish a book – a collection of their most interesting stories and poems.
Belgrade Writers wraps the reader in a tapestry of cultural colour, beguiles and rocks gently while reconnecting us with the joy of reading. The stories by this new crop of international writers explore Belgrade and beyond, providing fresh perspectives on age old issues of life and love. There is something for everyone between the covers of Tuesdays at Two.
God.izdanja: 2012..
Izdavač: Centar Metodije
God.izdanja: 2012..
Izdavač: Centar Metodije
Kupci koji su kupili ovu knjigu kupili su i:
Cena: 15.606 rsd
Cena: 2.200 rsd
Cena: 3.520 rsd
Cena: 5.900 rsd
Cena: 17.600 rsd
Cena: 1.500 rsd
Cena: 1.980 rsd
Cena: 2.200 rsd
Cena: 14.490 rsd
Cena: 1.800 rsd
Cena: 3.960 rsd
Cena: 489 rsd
Cena: 489 rsd
Cena: 489 rsd
Knjige istog pisca
Cena: 999 rsd
Cena: 349 rsd
Cena: 396 rsd
Cena: 1.724 rsd
Cena: 399 rsd
Cena: 1.299 rsd
Cena: 699 rsd
Cena: 1.100 rsd
Cena: 900 rsd
Cena: 440 rsd
Cena: 1.099 rsd
Cena: 2.200 rsd
Cena: 2.790 rsd
Cena: 660 rsd