The gift of dyslexia Dar disleksije
Ronald Davis Ronald Dejvis
Godina izdanja: 1994
ISBN: 978-0-929-551-24-9
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani
Mek pvoez, 260 strana, dimenzije 21x14, 1994. godine izdaje Perigee boooks, knjiga je na engleskom o Disleksiji i lečenju
This book outlines a unique and revolutionary program with a phenomenally high success rate in helping dyslexics learn to read and to overcome other difficulties associated with it. This new edition is expanded to include new teaching techniques and revised throughout with up-to-date information on research, studies, and contacts.
999 rsd
Lokacija prodavca: Beograd Čukarica
Način slanja:
-Poštom -Kurirskom službom -Lično preuzimanje
Način plaćanja:
-Slanje po uplati -Pouzećem -Pilikom ličnog preuzimanja
Šifra: 212142