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  •  The Count of Monte Cristo ,895.strana  ,GROF MONTEKRISTO
     The Count of Monte Cristo ,895.strana  ,GROF MONTEKRISTO The Count of Monte Cristo ,895.strana  ,GROF MONTEKRISTO

    The Count of Monte Cristo ,895.strana ,GROF MONTEKRISTO

    Alexandre Dumas Aleksandar Dima

    Jezik: Engleski
    Autor: Strani

    Alexandre Dumas The Count of Monte Cristo ,895.strana

    Alexandre Dumas The Count of Monte Cristo

    ,895. strana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    na ENGLESKOM jeziku. . . . . .

    Aleksandar Dima GROF MONTEKRISTO

    The Count of Monte Cristo By: Alexandre Dumas Wordsworth Editions / Paperback

    The Count of Monte Cristo tells the tale of how innocent Edmond Dantes has been framed and thrown into prison. There, he meets Abbi Faria, who tells him where to find a hidden treasure. After escaping and using various disguises, the newly-rich, newly-titled Count of Monte Cristo finds himself accepted into the highest levels of society and able to put into action his plan of revenge. 894 pages, softcover, complete and unabridged. With introduction and notes by Keith Wren. Wordsworth Classic Edition.

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    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . na ENGLESKOM jeziku. . . . . .

    Aleksandar Dima GROF MONTEKRISTO Informacije

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