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  • The Classified Man: Twenty-Two Types of Men
    The Classified Man: Twenty-Two Types of MenThe Classified Man: Twenty-Two Types of MenThe Classified Man: Twenty-Two Types of Men

    The Classified Man: Twenty-Two Types of Men

    Susanna M. Hoffman

    The Classified Man: Twenty-Two Types of Men (and What to Do about Them)
    by Susanna M. Hoffman
    Hardcover, 309 pages
    Published January 1st 1983 by Coward McCann (first published 1981)
    This is a wonderful book by an intelligent, hip, well informed social scientist. Written for young women, and their parents, in the 1980s. Some categories of its recommendations are out dated because its assumptions about fairly quick, easy (though responsible) sex hadn`t taken the soon to appear AIDS epidemic into account. AIDs was unknown at the time. But, it`s evaluations of many or most of the different types of men that young women will encounter makes this book incredibly valuable.

    500 rsd

    Lokacija prodavca: Novi Beograd
    Način slanja:
  • -Poštom
  • -Lično preuzimanje
  • Način plaćanja:
  • -Slanje po uplati
  • -Pouzećem
  • -Pilikom ličnog preuzimanja

    Šifra: 59816
    Prodavac: bakeja (4569)
    • Pozitivne: 1679
    • Negativne: 2
    • Neutralne: 6
    Prosecna ocena: 99,9%

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