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  • The Chasm
    The Chasm

    The Chasm


    At its core, "The Chasm" is a story about the disintegration of a family.

    In the first of the two parts of the novel, an estranged husband suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder as a consequence of his war experience, strives to re-establish the relationship with his estranged wife during a holiday in Greece, succeeding only in deepening the discord between the two of them. The second part takes place in Serbia and focuses upon the main reason for the marital discord of the couple from the first part – the plight of their son, a student who tries to find his place in society, as well as his identity, through a series of dramatic events with a surprising and powerful twist at the end.

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 180

    Povez: broširano

    God.izdanja: 2019.

    Izdavač: Kontrast izdavaštvo

    ISBN: 9788660360535

    Šifra: 218452
    Cena: 999 rsd

    potrebna količina:

    Odaberite izdanje:

    dostavadostava i poŠtarina

    nacin placanjanaČin plaĆanja

    Opcije plaćanje za kupce iz Srbije:

    - pouzećem prilikom isporuke knjiga
    - internet karticama Visa,Maestro i Mastercard
    - preko IPS skeniraj - mBanking aplikacije
    - putem uplatnice na šalteru pošte ili banke

    Opcije plaćanje za kupce iz inostranstva:

    - pouzećem za kupce iz BIH i Crne Gore
    - putem PayPal sistema
    - internet karticama Visa, Maestro i MasterCard

    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    Br.strana: 180

    Povez: broširano

    God.izdanja: 2019.

    Izdavač: Kontrast izdavaštvo

    ISBN: 9788660360535

    Komentari čitalaca
