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  • THAI Goran Gocić
    THAI Goran Gocić  THAI Goran Gocić  THAI Goran Gocić

    THAI Goran Gocić

    Goran Gocić

    Goran Gocić

    Žanrovi: Domaći pisci, Nagrađene knjige
    Izdavač: Geopoetika
    Broj strana: 296
    Pismo: Latinica
    Povez: Mek
    Format: 20 cm
    If it were not a novel, this would be a “feasibility study” dealing with the ways and means of a self-aware man who wishes or, rather, seeks to protect a woman. The project is, under the given circumstances, doomed to failure not because it is impossible, but because it is unnecessary. The fragile and gentle woman, with her passive (Buddhist) presence and existence, with her rejection in acceptance, would lead this seemingly macho man to self-decomposition. He goes through a stunningly honest self-analysis only to turn himself into a vulnerable human being. So vulnerable, in fact, that he is the one who seeks St. Christopher’s protection.

    …Thai also serves as a lesson given to a complacent Westerner, with the intention of curing his haughty ego by succumbing to the East. However, there are no winners in this process, only losers. And even then – he can be healed only temporarily by the “Empire of Emptiness” – the emptiness being essentially a feminine quality.

    Vladislav Bajac
    Knjiga "glanz stanje"
    Stanje"`10"`,najviša moguca ocena

    Knjige šaljem u INOSTRANSTVO , uplate preko Pay Pal-a. ,Western Uniona.... Ukoliko imate neko pitanje obratite se na mail: miroslavmajstorovic66@gmail.com Isporuka...DRŽAVNA POŠTA Republike SRBIJE..... Slanje knjige/a vršimo na dva načina: - kao preporucena tiskovina uz prethodnu uplatu - najpovoljniji vid slanja za kupca - post express - placate poštaru prilikom preuzimanja Za kupce iz inostranstva dostupne su uplate preko Pay Pal-a.,Western Uniona. Kontakt: Viber ⭐️ Uplata; Pay Pal-om⭐️ Slanje: Državna POŠTA✔️ ⭐️--------Ceo SVET✔️ PRIHVATAMO REKLAMACIJU po SLEDEĆEM pravilniku ......SVE troškove poštarine PLAĆA..snosi KUPAC...vraćamo uplaćeni novac za knjigu/e..nakon povratka knjige... Vraćamo uplaćeni novac ../umanjen za troškove POŠTARINE/ HVALA..... Knjige šaljem u sve zemlje Evrope, u SAD, Kanadu, Južnu Ameriku, Japan, Australiju, Kinu, Rusiju .. Hvala

    1.000 rsd

    Lokacija prodavca: Beograd
    Način slanja:
  • -Poštom
  • -Kurirskom službom
  • -Lično preuzimanje
  • Način plaćanja:
  • -Slanje po uplati
  • -Pilikom ličnog preuzimanja

    Šifra: 157145
    Prodavac: internationalbooks (1557)
    • Pozitivne: 274
    • Negativne: 2
    • Neutralne: 1
    Prosecna ocena: 99,3%

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