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  • OSGi in Action: Creating Modular Applications in Java 1st Edition
    OSGi in Action: Creating Modular Applications in Java 1st Edition

    OSGi in Action: Creating Modular Applications in Java 1st Edition

    Karl Pauls

    What is OSGi? Simply put, OSGi is a standardized technology that allowsdevelopers to create the highly modular Java applications that are required forenterprise development. OSGi lets you install, start, stop, update, or uninstallcomponents without taking down your entire system. The interest in OSGi basedapplications has exploded since major vendors like Sun, Spring, Oracle, BEA, and IBM have gotten behind the standard.

    OSGi in Action is a comprehensive guide to OSGi with two primary goals. First, it provides a clear introduction to OSGi concepts with examples that arerelevant both for architects and developers. Then, it explores numerous practicalscenarios and techniques, answering questions like: How much of OSGi doyou actually need? How do you embed OSGi inside other containers? What arethe best practices for moving legacy systems to OSGi?

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    3.500 rsd

    Lokacija prodavca: Beograd
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