La Sans Pareille
Iz recenzije:
’’Trailing the path to the warning that “the world is an evil and dangerous place” and that “only disguise can save us from the lurking, evil vultures”, Milisav Saviñ leads us through the deep backwaters of an unusual love story which takes place during a mystical spring journey through Tuscany, while in fact it is set in the framework of the Yugoslav wars during the nineties.
Knowing that “only an imaginary world makes some sort of sense”, Saviñ gradually sheds light on the secret places of his heroine, who is nonpareil and silly, and his hero, multiply disguised, much like the author himself.
His hero, a young artist named Hasan, a refugee from Bosnia, who like Casanova, “sees one woman in all and all women in one”, experiences fated love in Florence at the start of the nineties, but towards the end of the decade is forcibly mobilized and disappears during the war in Kosovo, under the watchful eye of organ traders.
Like some contemporary Serbian Decameron, seen through stories, dreams, letters, essays, comments, endnotes and other notes set within the framework of groups of ten, Saviñ’s novel is written using various narrative registers, similar to a puzzle consisting of fact and fiction, literary experience and historical mapping of illusions pertaining to the world, like an in-depth story about our recent past.
The mystery of love and the mystery of a journey, released through a prism of art of the Renaissance man, are contrasted to the context of our harsh history, filled with unnecessary wars and inevitable refugees. As with Saviñ’s novel, Bread and Fear, written a quarter of a century ago, which was a literary epitaph for communist Yugoslavia, this novel also, quite extensively, individually and collectively, pieces together a picture of the war of the nineties.’’
Nenad Saponja
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