Exploded gaze
Iz recenzije :
’’Diverse in forms and rich in styles, from personal artistic notes to academic insights, this volume by Goran Sergej Pristaš is "recapitulating two decades of reflection from Pristašs work in theatre and artworld, and Exploded Gaze flashes out as a rare treat of poetics and political and philosophical thought at once. In a virtuoso stroke of style, this book advances novel terms of viewing, time and production in which the imaginative and critical powers of theatre are reinvented past theatre. Like Jean-Luc Godard, Mladen Stilinović or Anne Boyer, Pristaš reinvigorates the dense thinking from within the matter of art that can alter our worldview if we follow its shrewd implications."
Bojana Cvejić
Br.strana: 322
Povez: Meki povez
God.izdanja: 2018.
Izdavač: Multimedijalni institut, Zagreb
Zemlja porekla: Hrvatska
ISBN: 9789537372460
Cena: 3.040 rsd
potrebna količina:
Br.strana: 322
Povez: Meki povez
God.izdanja: 2018.
Izdavač: Multimedijalni institut, Zagreb
Zemlja porekla: Hrvatska
ISBN: 9789537372460
Kupci koji su kupili ovu knjigu kupili su i:
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