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  • Experimental Scientific Methods: а research notebook
    Experimental Scientific Methods: а research notebook

    Experimental Scientific Methods: а research notebook


    Experimental Scientific Methods: а research notebook: includes The Lancet Fraud: COVID-19 chloroquin therapy scandal

    This is a handbook, or better to say, a notebook, made for my students at Greifswald University. It should help them follow their doctoral studies.

    Two books, that I use, will be, in addition, indispensable for the students.

    Morris R. Cohen, Ernest Nagel, An Introduction to Logic and Scientific Method, and Beth Dawson and Robert G. Trapp, Basics and Clinical Biostatistics.

    The methods explained are restricted to the Lab at EMA University. Research production consists of the preparation of a project, communication of the project, execution of the project, and communication of the results. The project and results are preliminary and/or final and are customary presented in oral form, written short communication (abstract, poster) and article. Other forms of media, although possible, are infrequently used.

    I encourage you to ignore the “copyrights” for this book. There is hardly anything original in this book, except for some mistakes. All the rest was borrowed from the works of others, taken directly or adapted or may be told in my own words. I added some own reflections, maybe more in the second part of the notebook. The credits go… to all, they are so numbered: my colleagues, students, some patients, to a number of wise men who shared their work generously on the Internet or in their books and articles.

    Thanks, guys, knowledge is free.

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 247

    Povez: broširano

    God.izdanja: 2020.

    Izdavač: Čigoja

    ISBN: 9788653105846

    Šifra: 224345
    Cena: 6.435 rsd

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    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    Br.strana: 247

    Povez: broširano

    God.izdanja: 2020.

    Izdavač: Čigoja

    ISBN: 9788653105846

    Komentari čitalaca
