American delusion or MEIT
American delusion or MEIT (Military and Economical Integrative Totalitarianism): rise and fall of the western totalitarian ideology: assays in political science
The main claim in this book is that our so-called „moral position“ is determined largely by our concerns („Theory of concerns“, first chapter). The concept I am introducing is that people join together in communities also based on some special interests and concerns. This can sometimes lead to problems if the association around one or sometimes several common interests is misunderstood, that is, it implies some interests that were not the reason for the association. For example, political communities can sometimes imply more than the basic program for which the members initially agreed. Such are often some secret organizations, such as Freemasonry, and such was the political movement of fascism. I claim that the United States of America after 1918, and especially after 1945, set itself the goal of destroying every nuclear-too-powerful opponent, and then the specific destruction of Russia. Under the influence of that illusion, they founded the state community according to the corrected model of fascism, which diverted the course of the entire social life not only of Western society but more or less also of other parts of the world. This also resulted in almost a hundred proxy wars around the world in various forms and affected the entirety of Western culture and social life, from various extreme political and peace movements to various types of social revolts, from the Hippie movement to the Islamic State, to deviation in the politics of science and the entire culture and philosophy, including everyday life. Like in the classical fascist states, Democracy has been minimised and reduced to the presidential election or reduced to be used at the lowest levels of local unimportant issues. Important issues are decided by the expert teams and some rudimentary democracy is practised for the unimportant issues at the lowest local levels. As a solution, a permanent Russo-American conference is proposed.
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