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  • Chiropractic and Health
    Chiropractic and Health

    Chiropractic and Health


    Dr Peter Dinich graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade (Serbia) and completed his specialization in physiology at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.
    He received his Master"s degree in neurophysiology in Toronto (Canada) and worked on his doctorate in the field of central fatigue in Columbia, South Carolina (USA).
    He graduated from Life University College of Chiropractic in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) and specialized in the cervical spine using the Atlas Orthogonal technique. He is a licensed doctor of chiropractic in South Carolina (USA). For ten years he taught at university level in America - physiology of muscle activity, stress and spinal hygiene.
    He is founder and president of the Serbian Association of Chiropractic and is a member of the European Academy of Chiropractic and the World Federation of Chiropractic.
    He lives with his wife and son in Charleston, South Carolina (USA) and in Belgrade (Serbia) where he would like to found an international school of chiropractic.
    Dr Dinich considers that 21 st century modern healthcare lacks a more holistic approach that integrates diverse knowledge and relies more on natural forms of healing.

    In this book chiropractic is presented in detailed, well-laid-out manner not only as a science and healing system, but also as a philosophy of life that encompasses a proper mindset, nutrition, exercises and self-observation, and particularly awarness of one s body, emotions and health. When this is achieved, a higher level of health ensues in which the body is greatly able to understand the essence of its troubles, distinguish between true and false alarms, defend itself from the negative effects of the environment, and with the help of a chiropractor, contribute to its own recovery. I am happy to recommend this book as an important contribution to healthcare education and cultural education in general.
    Prof. Milos Popovic, M.D.
    Surgeon and homeopath

    The book before us can be compared to a window onto an unusual world. The window itself is unusual too, since the opening presented by Peter Dinich lets us see from different angles: the angle of philosophy, the angle of practical skills, the angle of love, the angle of the mystical, the angle of ancient Eastern knowledge...
    Chiropractic unfolds on a kaleidoscopic image immersed in harmony, calling to us, but also enables us to participate in its creation as we set out on the path to health.
    Prof. Vuk Stambolovic M.D.

    Reading the excellent book by Dr Peter Dinich, "Chiropractic and Health", I realized how much society could economize when providing its citizens with healthcare, since this alternative medicine with out drugs and expensive therapies helps us heal our own bodies. It helps not only with self-healing but also provides optimism, self-confidence and a serene life.
    Prof. Stanko llic, Economist

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 398

    Povez: Hardcover

    God.izdanja: 2013.

    Izdavač: Autorsko izdanje

    ISBN: 978-86-7614-234-7

    Dostupnost: This title will be released on 19.8.2013
    Šifra: 36061
    Cena: 2.292 rsd

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    Br.strana: 398

    Povez: Hardcover

    God.izdanja: 2013.

    Izdavač: Autorsko izdanje

    ISBN: 978-86-7614-234-7

    Dostupnost: This title will be released on 19.8.2013
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