Belgrade, Cultural Treasury
Reprezentativna monografija o istorijskom razvoju, prosveti, nauci, kulturi, umetnosti, sportu, privredi, trgovini, turnizmu i ugostiteljstvu Beograda, kao i o gradskim ambijentima i kulturnoistorijskim celinama, sa bibliografijom i registrom.
Belgrade Cultural Treasury represents and endeavor to gather all knowledge of Belgrade`s past into one place. It aspires to present the city`s cultural and historical heritage, its space and town planning structures, its own specific charm, as well as individual monuments and educational, scientific, cultural and artistic institutions. The desire is to portray all the spiritual values and cultural wealth this city now has to offer the inquiring mind. Richly illustrated, hard cover.
Cena: 1.980 rsd
potrebna količina:
Kupci koji su kupili ovu knjigu kupili su i:
Cena: 15.606 rsd
Cena: 2.200 rsd
Cena: 3.520 rsd
Cena: 5.900 rsd
Cena: 17.600 rsd
Cena: 1.500 rsd
Cena: 1.980 rsd
Cena: 2.200 rsd
Cena: 11.990 rsd
Cena: 1.800 rsd
Cena: 3.960 rsd
Cena: 489 rsd
Cena: 489 rsd
Cena: 489 rsd