Balkan Blue Family and Military Memories Roy Redgrav
Roy Redgrave
Jezik: Engleski
Autor: Strani
Balkan Blue Family and Military Memories Roy Redgrav
Major General Sir Roy Redgrave is a member of the famous acting family, but his career followed an entirely different path. Sir Roy pursued a career in the British armed forces and his autobiography makes fascinating reading. He was born and brought up in Romania, a country which had fought with the Allies in World War I but was forced into the Axis on the eve of World War II. The post-war period eventually found Sir Roy serving as British Commandant in Berlin, where his duties included serving as a jailer for Rudolf Hess and often tense negotiations with the Russians. The capstone of his career was as Commander British Forces Hong Kong, where he also faced difficult relations with the Chinese as well as directed British operations in Malaya,
General-major ser Roj Redgrejv je član slavne glumačke porodice, ali je njegova karijera išla sasvim drugim putem. Ser Roj je nastavio karijeru u britanskim oružanim snagama i njegova autobiografija čini fascinantno štivo. Rođen je i odrastao u Rumuniji, zemlji koja se borila sa saveznicima u Prvom svetskom ratu, ali je bila primorana da uđe u Osovinu uoči Drugog svetskog rata. Posleratni period je konačno zatekao Ser Roja kao britanski komandant u Berlinu, gde su njegove dužnosti uključivale i službu tamničara za Rudolfa Hesa i često napete pregovore sa Rusima. Kamen temeljac njegove karijere bio je kao komandant britanskih snaga u Hong Kongu, gde se takođe suočio sa teškim odnosima sa Kinezima, kao i rukovodio britanskim operacijama u Malaji,
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