Vida Ognjenović
Izdavač: Geopoetika - Beograd,
2009. god.
Broširan povez, 20 cm.
177 str.
Izdanje na engleskom jeziku
In gripping true-confession style, the narrator speaks of love, of family history, of the fragile little things that make us what we are. A woman in the prime of her life, her world coming apart at the seams. . . Think you already know this story? Think again. It`s a brand-new tale in the skilful hands of Vida Ognjenović, whose well-known talents for the theatre are on full display in this award-winning venture into fiction. Join her leading lady, Amalija, on a soul-searching quest for true identity. If there really is such a thing. . .
`With its eye-catching and ambiguous title, this book shows us that adultery is in fact the perfect metaphor for identity. When you come to think of it, identity is always a metaphor, never a fact. Identity is a construction imbued with our convictions and judgements. . .
The reader is drawn into a relationship with the narrator not unlike an adulterous affair, in which the truth is revealed bit by bit, layer after deceptive layer. We are promised a story about adultery, and what we get is a story about identity; there is no other way because the controversy of adultery is first and foremost the controversy of identity itself. `
Sreten Ugričić
Komunikacija isključivo porukama na sajtu Korisna knjiga. Plaćanje pre slanja. Knjige šaljem kao preporučenu tiskovinu, paket, Post Express-om Poštarina isključivo na teret kupca. Knjige ne šaljem pouzećem. Za oštećenja nastala u transportu, ne odgovaram, ali ću se truditi da robu zapakujem najbolje moguće, i da je obezbedim od bilo kakvih oštećenja. Šaljem u inostranstvo po cenovniku Pošte Srbije (uplata Western Union-om). Na teritoriji Novog Sada preuzimanje knjiga je moguće na adresi koju ćete dobiti porukom (Novo Naselje). Zbog velikog broja predmeta, molim Vas da pre kupovine proverite da li imam predmet koji želite putem poruke na sajtu Korisna knjiga.