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  • The Memoirs of Jesus
    The Memoirs of Jesus

    The Memoirs of Jesus


    A new novel by one of the bestselling Serbian authors.

    The lame photojournalist Veljko Vujović, whose nickname is Limping Jesus, with his camera and in writing, bears witness to the death of Yugoslavia, old and new hatreds, to new crimes and criminals. In his latest novel Vuk Drašković describes scenes from the civil war of the ‘90s, Belgrade during the riots, Veljko’s homeplace and family in Herzegovina, and the games behind the scenes controlled by the impervious gods of war.
    An anti-war novel of this degree of credibility, capable of moving the reader to real distress, is unparalleled in modern Serbian literature. Published two decades after the war of the 1990s, it is the first novel that refuses to take the up the cause of any side.

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 302

    Povez: mek

    God.izdanja: 2015.

    Izdavač: Laguna

    ISBN: 978-86-521-2123-6

    Šifra: 77006
    Cena: 999 rsd

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    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    Br.strana: 302

    Povez: mek

    God.izdanja: 2015.

    Izdavač: Laguna

    ISBN: 978-86-521-2123-6

    Komentari čitalaca

  • Napišite recenziju za ovu knjigu i uz malo sreće osvojite
    vaučer za kupovinu od 2000 dinara!