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  • Tackling Foul
    Tackling Foul

    Tackling Foul


    Tackling Foul is a novel about a family history which takes place in the last decade of 20th century war-torn Serbia; its story, compassionate and heartfelt, about eccentrics, romantics and relentless fighters in the battle of life, is written with great charm and elegance, unparalleled in contemporary Serbian novel-writing. The author’s perspective of his characters is twofold: they are depicted in their home and family surrounding, and also in the historical impasse of Milošević’s Serbia. The warm and well-intended irony and humor are in fine balance with the ethical issues of the story. Kind and full of understanding, but not patronizing, with tongue-in cheek humor, the narrator’s voice is a highly original creation of Mića Vujičić. With this novel, the author ranks among the most talented novelists of his generation.

    Ivan Radosavljević

    This gentle and funny book makes its way to readers with its poetic repetitiveness and an appropriate metaphor of life - football, as well as with its representation of family life. The home is a place for the forming and losing of identities, for conflicts and their solutions; it is a place where anecdote and narrative, two seemingly opposite poles, intersect, producing a range of narrative varieties.

    Vladimir Arsenić

    Translated from the Serbian by Randall A. Major

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 165

    God.izdanja: 2011.

    Izdavač: Geopoetika

    ISBN: 9788661450822

    Šifra: 218388
    Cena: 1.034 rsd

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    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    Br.strana: 165

    God.izdanja: 2011.

    Izdavač: Geopoetika

    ISBN: 9788661450822

    Komentari čitalaca

  • Napišite recenziju za ovu knjigu i uz malo sreće osvojite
    vaučer za kupovinu od 2000 dinara!