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  • Step into Serbian - Serbian for foreigners / Srpski za strance
    Step into Serbian - Serbian for foreigners / Srpski za stranceStep into Serbian - Serbian for foreigners / Srpski za strance

    Step into Serbian - Serbian for foreigners / Srpski za strance



    The Serbian language belongs to the South Slavonic language group alongside with Croatian, Macedonian, Slovenian and Bulgarian. It is a part of the large Slav language group (including Russian, Belorussian, Ukrainian, Polish, Czech, Slovak).
    The language reformer Vuk Karadzic (1787-1864) laid the foundations for the modern Serbian language. He revised the alphabet with a new style of phonetic spelling with the maxim "Write as you speak"
    Spelling and pronunciation are very easy in Serbian because words are written according to phonetic principles. Each letter represents one sound, each one is pronounced separately and each word is spelt as it is pronounced.


    THE SERBIAN LANGUAGE belongs to the South Slav language group and it has two variants (ekavski and ijekavski). The two va-riants differ according to how the old sound represented by the letter"jat"is used in speech."E" is used in ekavski (lepa reka) while "JE"or"IJE"is used in ijekavski (lijepa reka).
    There are 30 different phonetic sounds in the Serbian language and each sound is represented by an individual Cyrillic letter. In the Roman script three phonetic sounds are represented by two letters: Ij, nj and dz. The official script in Serbia is Cyrillic but the Roman script is also frequently used.


    In Serbian words can be divided into inflected and non-inflected. Inflected words consist of declinable words (nouns, pronouns, adjectives and numbers) and conjugateable words (verbs). Non-inflected words are: adverbs, prepositions, exclamations and particles.

    Nouns are words which represent creatures, objects and ideas. The basic grammatical characteristics of nouns are gender, number and cases.


    6 Introduction

    7Serbian Grammar


    246 Grammar exercise with the key

    405 Glossary

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    Br.strana: 424

    Povez: Broš

    God.izdanja: 2018.

    Izdavač: Službeni glasnik

    ISBN: 9788651907718

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    Br.strana: 424

    Povez: Broš

    God.izdanja: 2018.

    Izdavač: Službeni glasnik

    ISBN: 9788651907718

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