Šetnja po krovu
Sabrani Kafkini crteži prvi put kod nas!
Tragao sam za njima, prikupljao podatke o njima i korespondencije za njih, čitao ih izokola kad mi je to izgledalo mogućno, razmišljao i pričao. Sam i sa drugima.
Da li je Kafka mogao biti veliki crtač? Šašavo pitanje, jer on jeste izvanredan crtač. Ko gleda, videće. Kad krenete, nećete stati. Volećete. I ja sam to prošao u jednom dahu.
Toward the Stories Told by Kafka’s Drawings
Kafka is unparalleled as a writer, but he is also a draftsman. This edition contains forty-something of his drawings. I call them dream-drawings, given that their stories are a matter of dreams as well as visions of life.
The challenge was to recreate the sense of wonder in Kafka’s art. While he was drawing, I am writing after his drawings.
This book is a collection of traces that make a forest through which I restlessly walk, and I enjoy losing myself in my reveries.
For years I was avidly attached to these drawings. I watched and watched only. Now, I ask myself, aren’t my memories of them more vivid than my memories of my own life at that same period. Every time I watch them, they burn a glacier inside of me.
J. A.
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