Serbian medieval coins
The catalogue includes all Serbian Kingdom families, aristocrates, rulers, cities,with issued coins in Middle Ages XI - XVth centuries.
In the catalogue, the coinage is shown with approximately twice the size of coins for easier perception of details. In the bsence of good photos, coins are drown as sketch. Each aristocrat has been marked wih a specific number so every type of coins has its number. Next to the picture ifnd also mentioned legend written on the cons, with each piece radius and overage weight.
Cena: 6.050 rsd
potrebna količina:
Kupci koji su kupili ovu knjigu kupili su i:
Cena: 880 rsd
Cena: 4.900 rsd
Cena: 957 rsd
Cena: 4.048 rsd
Cena: 1.399 rsd
Cena: 880 rsd
Cena: 1.500 rsd
Cena: 990 rsd
Cena: 1.452 rsd
Cena: 1.990 rsd
Cena: 4.990 rsd
Cena: 3.300 rsd
Cena: 899 rsd
Cena: 1.300 rsd
Knjige istog pisca
Cena: 709 rsd
Cena: 680 rsd
Cena: 590 rsd
Cena: 850 rsd