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  • Serbia in the Great War 1914-1918
    Serbia in the Great War 1914-1918

    Serbia in the Great War 1914-1918

    Ljubodrag Dimić, Mira Radojević


    On the occasion of the centennial of the outbreak of the First World War, the Srpska književna zadruga (SKZ) publishing house and the Belgrade Forum for the World of the Equal, under the auspices of the Diaspora for the Homeland Fund, published a book entitled Serbia in the Great War 1914-1918 („Srbija u Velikom ratu 1914. – 1918.“), written by Mira Radojević and Ljubodrag Dimić, just at the time when modern history has become exposed to falsifications and attempted revisions of the facts, it was assessed at the book’s presentation in SKZ. More by Slađana Pavić.

    Serbia in the Great War 1914-1918 is a book of facts based on well-known sources and documents, said the book’s editor, Mihajlo Vojvodić. He emphasized that the big powers, attempting to justify their role in the war, published their own big collections of documents just after the end of the war in which some parts of the documents were left out.

    Affirming the sources and scholarly assessments, the truth about Serbia’s efforts, the enormous number of victims from Serbia and its irreplaceable role in contribution to the freedom and development of the whole European continent, the authors of this book indirectly remind their contemporaries of the need for self-respect and the respect of victims who fell for the freedom of their countries and for historical experience. They also point to the value of wisdom and a mature attitude in these turbulent times.

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 316

    Povez: tvrd

    God.izdanja: 2014.

    Izdavač: Srpska književna zadruga

    ISBN: 978-86-379-1262-0

    Šifra: 48924
    Cena: 1.980 rsd

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    Br.strana: 316

    Povez: tvrd

    God.izdanja: 2014.

    Izdavač: Srpska književna zadruga

    ISBN: 978-86-379-1262-0

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