Savezničke oklopne postrojbe na jugoistoku Europe u Drugome svjetskom ratu
Izdanje na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.
Poslije uspjeha knjige o osovinskom oklopu koja je u prestižnoj nakladi Hrvatske povijesti izdavača Despot Infinitusa izišla u javnost 2015. godine, autori su na temelju vlastitoga višegodišnjeg istraživanja, ali i šire osnove radova navedenih kolega pristupili izradi druge monografije koja govori o uporabi savezničkih oklopnih jedinica na istom području: bivše Jugoslavije ili Jugoistoka Europe. Bojište Jugoistoka Europe omeđili smo prostorom bivše socijalističke Jugoslavije jer su i zaraćene strane cijeli taj prostor tijekom rata u znatnoj mjeri promatrale kao jedinstven. Aneksije, okupacije pojedinih dijelova teritorija Kraljevine Jugoslavije ili stvaranje novih država, nisu remetili logiku upotrebe vojne tehnike. Po tipu bojišta, strateškoj važnosti i načinu vojnih sučeljavanja, jugoslavensko je bojište bilo sekundarno, ali ga tipologija naoružanja i način upotrebe čine neobično zanimljivim.
Osnovni motiv bilo je zanimanje za vojnu tehniku i sam Drugi svjetski rat, ali i više od toga: izazov prikupljanja cijele lepeze različitih podataka s cijeloga bivšega jugoslavenskog prostora u jedinstvenu priču. U toj priči koju nudimo čitatelju zastupljena je cjelina bojišta i savezničke oklopne tehnike na njemu s obiljem detalja. U poznate povijesne epizode ugradili smo rezultate naših istraživanja, u težnji da ponudimo čitljivu i dopadljivu cjelinu s mnogo novootvorenih pravaca za posebna istraživanja. Uložili smo trud da sve savezničke vojske opišemo na ujednačen način i bez ideoloških komentara. Ova monografija kronološki se uklapa u prethodnu monografiju o osovinskim oklopnim jedinicama u istom razdoblju, koju su napisali isti autori, i obje knjige čine jednu cjelinu.
Fotografije u ovoj knjizi prikupljane su dugo i na raznim stranama bivšega jugoslavenskog prostora; često uz znatne istraživačke ili financijske napore. U ovoj knjizi objavljen fotografski materijal samo je dio iz opsežne građe nejednake tehničke kvalitete koju smo prikupili. Svjesni vrijednosti fotografija kao povijesnog dokumenta, pokušali smo napraviti reprezentativan izbor, ali i pokazati novitete, što je u biti i želja čitatelja.
The success of the previous book on the Axis armour in the Southeastern Europe, in the respected series, entitlled the Croatian History, published by Zagreb-based Despot Infinitus publishing house in 2015, was a milestone for this endeavour. This time, it was the Allied armour that was used in the same theatre. The term South-Eastern Europe encircles the area once known as Yugoslavia. By the Allies and domestic resistance movements, it was also perceived as one theatre, occupied by the different Axis armies. This theatre was, with no doubt, secondary comparing to the others in Europe, and waging its strategic importance and devotion of the main players to deploy first class units and equipment. But, the number of the armies and the variety of types used make it utterly interesting for all those who are keen enthusiasts on the World War Two armoured warfare.
The authors’ main motive was to present the results of their continuous research on this subject to the wider audience, which lasted for several decades. This interest produced the coherent picture of the events and details that are in the book. The authors presented the armoured forces of the Allied forces deployed in this part of the Europe, as well as the resistance during the Second World War. In the already known general framework of the events, we added the less known details of the armoured forces, their usage, with a possibility for a wider research in different directions. The stories of the Royal Yugoslav, Partisan, Soviet, Bulgarian, British and New Zealand armoured forces are lined in the chronological order up, as they appeared in the timeline of the War. There are no ideological comments of any kind, and the book concentrates on the armoured vehicles, their crews and the way how they waged the war with it. This book, combined with the previous one, on the Axis armour, makes a complete history of the armoured warfare in the Southeastern Europe between 1941 and 1945.
The photos gathered in this volume are collected during the long lasting process of the authors’ interest all over the former Yugoslavian region; in many cases, with the hardships of different kind, such as the distances or the financial costs. This selection of around 350 photos is the authors’ choice of the larger gathered material. We were guided by the intention to present the recent discoveries, coupled with the standard photos that were known for years, in order to produce the selection of the photo materials that would attract the audience from the region, as well as the others interested in the armour in the Southeastern Europe.
Br.strana: 248
Povez: Meki povez
God.izdanja: 2016.
Izdavač: Despot infinitus
Zemlja porekla: Hrvatska
Cena: 10.503 rsd
potrebna količina:
Odaberite izdanje:
Br.strana: 248
Povez: Meki povez
God.izdanja: 2016.
Izdavač: Despot infinitus
Zemlja porekla: Hrvatska
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