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  • Put me to sleep gently
    Put me to sleep gently

    Put me to sleep gently


    ’’Great goals require great sacrifice

    Even though she didn`t know Beaumarchai`s quotes: `It doesn`t matter where you come from as soon as you know where you go to“, Miroslava lived her life equivalent to this quotation.

    She didn`t feel the bandages of grewing up in a small serbian village and going to live in the challenging world and full fill her eternal dream come true. Ciceron once said: “Great goals require great sacrifice”, and Miroslava took this quote for granted and went for a success.

    A diary “Put me to sleep gently” is a proof or better said a sort of evidence for the people who follow their dream they will for sure come true. Her diary has no pretencious or egoistic character of self oriented, egoistic person. On a contrary, it is a collestion of experiences worth reading in any case. Apart from hr love towards job and medicine, she also elicits the importance of creating positive enviroment at the workplace. The one who can make significant influence on the enviroment are we and only we, ourselves.

    I learnt a lot from this gorgeous woman. She told me once and it is apsolutly true:The best way to learn is to experience it yourself. That`s the best lesson.

    Once she said, you can only be happy surrounded by people. As a Bibel says: „Love all people around you the same way you love yourself“.

    This book is not just a simple diary, it is a diary of the life. I warmly recommend this book especially to the women. Dear Miroslava Radojević, thank you so much for being a part of my life for years. Without you I would not be the same person.’’

    Violeta Aleksić

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 200

    Povez: Broš

    God.izdanja: 2019.

    Izdavač: Kreativna radionica Balkan

    ISBN: 978-86-6403-090-8

    Šifra: 175788
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    Br.strana: 200

    Povez: Broš

    God.izdanja: 2019.

    Izdavač: Kreativna radionica Balkan

    ISBN: 978-86-6403-090-8

    Komentari čitalaca
