Millenium in Belgrade
Englesko izdanje dela ’’Milenijum u Beogradu’’.
Iz francuskih recenzija:
’’…a book will take your breath away with its beauty and poetry, a book whose main character is a Serbian capital city.’’
Le Magazine Literraire
’’This is a story about a nightmare – about History with capital H… A story that combines fresh, short chapters of bitter scenes from reality, hard, but also liric and tender.’’
Le Nouvel Observateur
’’The author with rare literar talent succeeded to show the loss and helplessness of the residents of a country that had tumbled like a house of cards.’’
Le Figaro
’’A unique Serbian voice, melodic, urban and new … we were glad to find such a writer, educated, yet ironic, who with his special, often hallucinatory manner describes the last decade of 20th century in the city that he identifies with: Belgrade, that is me!’’
Le Monde
’’After hallucinatory inner and outer destruction of Belgrade… we can see how the city still succeeded to keep magical parts of its charm, rich specter of its colors.’’
Livre Hebdo
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