Headway 5th edition: Pre-intermediate: Culture & Literature Companion
Dodatni materijal English book-a iz engleskog, koji prati udžbenik, za prvi razred gimnazije, kao i prvi i drugi razred srednjih stručnih škola.
Discover a wide variety of interesting texts relating to the culture and literature of the English-speaking world, including the UK, the US, Australia and the Caribbean. The culture texts range from art and geography to history and politics. The literature texts include poems and extracts from graded readers. Use in conjunction with the Headway 5th edition Student’s Book, or as a standalone resource.
Povez: meki
God.izdanja: 2019.
Izdavač: English book
ISBN: 9780194527828
Povez: meki
God.izdanja: 2019.
Izdavač: English book
ISBN: 9780194527828
Kupci koji su kupili ovu knjigu kupili su i:
Cena: 2.000 rsd
Cena: 865 rsd
Cena: 1.570 rsd
Cena: 1.250 rsd
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Cena: 1.190 rsd
Cena: 1.090 rsd
Cena: 2.190 rsd
Cena: 1.790 rsd
Cena: 1.555 rsd
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Cena: 315 rsd
Cena: 484 rsd
Cena: 741 rsd