Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov, Part 2: 1985-1993
Garry Kasparov on Garry Kasparov, part 2 is the second book in a major new three-volume series. This series will be unique by the fact that it will record the greatest chess battles played by the greatest chessplayer of all-time.
Cena: 5.194 rsd
potrebna količina:
Kupci koji su kupili ovu knjigu kupili su i:
Cena: 4.727 rsd
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Cena: 450 rsd
Cena: 3.693 rsd
Cena: 303 rsd
Cena: 2.500 rsd
Cena: 550 rsd
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Cena: 1.250 rsd
Cena: 5.042 rsd
Cena: 3.005 rsd
Cena: 715 rsd
Cena: 792 rsd
Neregistrovani korisnik, 08.09.2018 10:56
Knjiga se preporucuje igracima svih kategorija, kako ljubiteljima tako i profesionalnim igracima