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  • European comparative company law
    European comparative company law

    European comparative company law

    Mads Andenas, Frank Wooldridge


    This book was first published in 2009. Company law is undergoing fundamental change in Europe. All European countries have undertaken extensive reform of their company legislation. Domestic reform has traditionally been driven by corporate failures or scandals. Initiatives to make corporate governance more effective are a feature of recent European law reform, as are measures to simplify and ease burdens on smaller and medium-sized businesses (SMEs). An increasing EU harmonisation is taking place through the Company Law Directives, and the free movement of companies is also facilitated by the case law of the European Court of Justice on the directives and the right to free movement and establishment in the EC Treaty. New European corporate forms such as the European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) and the European Company (SE) have added new dimensions. At a time of rapid development of EU and national company laws, this book will aid the understanding of an emerging discipline.

    - Takes an important practical and theoretical approach to European company law
    - Covers a field which has previously had little attention recently
    - It comes at a time where both EU and national company laws are undergoing massive change and reform

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 648

    Povez: tvrd, 15x23 cm

    God.izdanja: 2009.

    Izdavač: Mate

    Zemlja porekla: Hrvatska

    ISBN: 978-0521842198

    Dostupnost: Isporuka od 3 do 4 nedelje
    Šifra: 32316
    Cena: 16.290 rsd

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    Br.strana: 648

    Povez: tvrd, 15x23 cm

    God.izdanja: 2009.

    Izdavač: Mate

    Zemlja porekla: Hrvatska

    ISBN: 978-0521842198

    Dostupnost: Isporuka od 3 do 4 nedelje
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