Decentralized Consensus-Based Estimation and Target Tracking
Fifteen years have already elapsed since we started to study networked systems for control and signal processing. There is a strong methodological appeal in the idea to think about numerous classical algorithms existing in control and signal processing in a new way aimed at either parallelization of globally defined functions, or at complying with the very nature of large scale and complex systems by introducing distribution of functions and trying to obtain a problem solution close to the globally optimal one. Decomposition of a given large scale and/or complex system into subsystems gives rise to a new way of thinking,leading to the so-called “multi-agent” systems, in which each agent, typically connected to one specific subsystem, should be able to solve local problems and, at the same time, to take care about the performance of the system as a whole by communicating with its neighborhood. The communication aspects play now an important, often the central role in the design of such systems,introducing new possibilities and, at the same time, new problems to be solved.One of nowadays very popular strategies for achieving a form of distributed inter-agent collaboration is based on the so-called dynamic consensus.
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