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  • Collection of Serbian Monasteries
    Collection of Serbian MonasteriesCollection of Serbian MonasteriesCollection of Serbian Monasteries

    Collection of Serbian Monasteries


    The book contains 423 active Serbian monasteries and data on another 213 monasteries that once existed.
    In addition to photos of the monastery, the book also contains a short text about each one with information: when it was built, who the founder of the monastery is, what sacred things are kept in it, a brief history and where it is located.
    Monasteries are presented in alphabetical order by diocese. At the beginning of each eparchy there is a map with the positions of all monasteries, and at the end of the book you can find information about monasteries that no longer exist.
    At the beginning of the book you will find an introductory text by Dušan Milovanović about the origin and importance of monasticism and monasteries in general.

    Više detalja

    Br.strana: 558

    Povez: Tvrdi povez

    Izdavač: Fleš

    ISBN: 9788688079136

    Dostupnost: 7-10 dana
    Šifra: 205792
    Cena: 18.150 rsd

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    postavi pitanjepostavite pitanje

    Br.strana: 558

    Povez: Tvrdi povez

    Izdavač: Fleš

    ISBN: 9788688079136

    Dostupnost: 7-10 dana
    Komentari čitalaca

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