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  • The Microstructure of Financial Markets
    The Microstructure of Financial MarketsThe Microstructure of Financial MarketsThe Microstructure of Financial Markets

    The Microstructure of Financial Markets

    Frank De Jong, Barbara Rindi

    Naslov: The Microstructure of Financial Markets
    Autor(i): Frank De Jong, Barbara Rindi
    Mesto: Cambridge, United Kingdom
    Godina: 2009
    Povez: mek
    Strana: 198
    Format: 172 x 246 x 12mm
    Stanje knjige: kao novo - nekorišćeno
    Opis knjige:
    The analysis of the microstructure of financial markets has been one of the most important areas of research in finance and has allowed scholars and practitioners alike to have a much more sophisticated understanding of the dynamics of price formation in financial markets. Frank de Jong and Barbara Rindi provide an integrated graduate level textbook treatment of the theory and empirics of the subject, starting with a detailed description of the trading systems on stock exchanges and other markets and then turning to economic theory and asset pricing models. Special attention is paid to models explaining transaction costs, with a treatment of the measurement of these costs and the implications for the return on investment. The final chapters review recent developments in the academic literature. End-of-chapter exercises and downloadable data from the book`s companion website provide opportunities to revise and apply models developed in the text.

    Uplata se može izvršiti pouzećem - slanje Post ekspresom, a može i pre slanja uplatom na račun u Telenor banci. Slanje u vidu tiskovine putem Pošte u tom slučaju plaćanje je unapred na moj račun u Telenor banci. Troškove slanja plaća kupac. Lično preuzimanje podrazumeva dolazak na mesto gde se dogovorimo (Beograd - uglavnom centar, Muzej Istorije Jugoslavije, tj. Hajd Parka, Autokomanda) u tom slucaju i plaćanje lično.

    2.500 rsd

    Lokacija prodavca: Beograd
    Način slanja:
  • -Poštom
  • -Kurirskom službom
  • -Lično preuzimanje
  • Način plaćanja:
  • -Slanje po uplati
  • -Pouzećem
  • -Pilikom ličnog preuzimanja

    Šifra: 117624
    Prodavac: Blue-Silvan (635)
    • Pozitivne: 72
    • Negativne: 0
    • Neutralne: 1
    Prosecna ocena: 100,0%

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