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  • Questions on German history : ideas, forces, decisions from 1800 to the present ; historic
    Questions on German history : ideas, forces, decisions from 1800 to the present ; historicQuestions on German history : ideas, forces, decisions from 1800 to the present ; historicQuestions on German history : ideas, forces, decisions from 1800 to the present ; historic

    Questions on German history : ideas, forces, decisions from 1800 to the present ; historic

    grupa autora

    Questions on German history : ideas, forces, decisions from 1800 to the present ; historical exhibition in the Berlin Reichstag

    Publisher: German Bundestag, Press and Information Centre (1984)

    mek povez
    stranice nisu numerisane, ' knjiga je teška preko 1 kg, i ima preko 500 ilustracija
    veoma dobro očuvana

    800 rsd

    Lokacija prodavca: Novi Beograd
    Način slanja:
  • -Poštom
  • -Kurirskom službom
  • -Lično preuzimanje
  • Način plaćanja:
  • -Slanje po uplati
  • -Pouzećem
  • -Pilikom ličnog preuzimanja

    Šifra: 47787
    Prodavac: bakeja (4568)
    • Pozitivne: 1679
    • Negativne: 2
    • Neutralne: 6
    Prosecna ocena: 99,9%

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