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    J. P. Vaswani

    QUESTIONS ANSWERED, Questions You Have Always Wished To Ask

    Autor. J. P. Vaswani

    Izdavač: Gita Publishing House, India

    Strana: 315

    This book is a compilation of Questions and Answers, collected together from several sessions held all over the world with Dada J P Vaswani - a brilliant orator, a gifted writer, and a living saint in the great tradition of India`s seers and sages.

    The questions have been brought together under a wide variety of topics which are of great interest and vital relevance to us all. If each question is thought-provoking, every answer is a gem - a capsule of wisdom that is sure to benefit the mind, intellect and soul.

    Open the book at random and you are sure a thought worth pondering, or choose a topic you want to know more about - and draw on the benefit of Dada`s profound wisdom.


    1. Anger
    2. Astrology
    3. Conversion
    4. Dada on Himself
    5. Death
    6. Discipline
    7. Duty
    8. Education
    9. Faith
    10. Fear
    11. Forgiveness
    12. Friendship
    13. Further of the World
    14. Bhagavad Gita
    15. God
    16. Guru
    17. Health
    18. Hinduism
    19. India
    20. Karma
    21. Liberation
    22. Life
    23. Love
    24. Marriage
    25. Meditation
    26. Mind
    27. Negative Emotions
    28. Parents and Children
    29. Peace of Mind
    30. Prayer
    31. Religion
    32. Rituals
    33. Sadhu Vaswani
    34. Science and Sprituality
    35. Seeker
    36. Service
    37. Silence
    38. Spirituality
    39. Stress
    40. Success
    41. Suffering
    42. Temptations
    43. Tension
    44. Therapy of Cheerfulness
    45. Thought-Power
    46. Understanding
    47. Vegetarianism
    48. Vibrations
    49. Will power
    50. Woman
    51. Yoga

    500 rsd

    Lokacija prodavca: Kraljevo
    Način slanja:
  • -Poštom
  • -Kurirskom službom
  • -Lično preuzimanje
  • Način plaćanja:
  • -Slanje po uplati
  • -Pouzećem
  • -Pilikom ličnog preuzimanja

    Šifra: 246261
    Prodavac: dejanb76 (70)
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