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  • Principles Of Phase Structures In Particle Physics
    Principles Of Phase Structures In Particle PhysicsPrinciples Of Phase Structures In Particle PhysicsPrinciples Of Phase Structures In Particle Physics

    Principles Of Phase Structures In Particle Physics

    Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns, Thomas Reisz

    Naslov: Principles Of Phase Structures In Particle Physics
    Autor(i): Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns, Thomas Reisz
    Izdavač: World Scientific Pub Co Inc
    Godina: 2007
    Povez: tvrd
    Format: 162.31 x 228.09 x 41.4mm
    Pismo: English
    Stanje knjige: kao novo - nekorišćeno
    Opis knjige:
    The phase structure of particle physics shows up in matter at extremely high densities and/or temperatures as they were reached in the early universe, shortly after the big bang, or in heavy-ion collisions, as they are performed nowadays in laboratory experiments. In contrast to phase transitions of condensed matter physics, the underlying fundamental theories are better known than their macroscopic manifestations in phase transitions. These theories are quantum chromodynamics for the strong interaction part and the electroweak part of the Standard Model for the electroweak interaction. It is their non-Abelian gauge structure that makes it a big challenge to predict the type of phase conversion between phases of different symmetries and different particle contents. The book is about a variety of analytical and numerical tools that are needed to study the phase structure of particle physics. To these belong convergent and asymptotic expansions in strong and weak couplings, dimensional reduction, renormalization group studies, gap equations, Monte Carlo simulations with and without fermions, finite-size and finite-mass scaling analyses, and the approach of effective actions as supplement to first-principle calculations.

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    5.000 rsd

    Lokacija prodavca: Beograd
    Način slanja:
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  • -Kurirskom službom
  • -Lično preuzimanje
  • Način plaćanja:
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  • -Pouzećem
  • -Pilikom ličnog preuzimanja

    Šifra: 164697
    Prodavac: Blue-Silvan (635)
    • Pozitivne: 72
    • Negativne: 0
    • Neutralne: 1
    Prosecna ocena: 100,0%

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