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  • Otok Sestrunj u zadarskom arhipelagu  - monografija
    Otok Sestrunj u zadarskom arhipelagu  - monografija

    Otok Sestrunj u zadarskom arhipelagu - monografija

    Magaš Damir, Filipi Amos

    Otok Sestrunj u zadarskom arhipelagu
    Magaš Damir, Filipi Amos
    Vrsta, podvrsta i kategorija knjige
    Autorske knjige, monografija, znanstvena
    Magaš, Damir
    Grad Zadar, 1983g
    Stranica 94
    Ključne riječi
    Otok Sestrunj; zadarski arhipelag; geografska obilježja; povijesno-geografska obilježja
    (Sestrunj Island; Zadar Archipelago; geographical features; historical-geographical features)

    The island of Sestrunj belongs to the Zadar archipelago situated in the northern Dalmatian region. Covering an area of 15, 41 km2 and with only 96 inhabitants in 1981, Sestrunj is one of the smallest adriatic islands with a low population density. It is surrounded by the Vir Sea, the straits of Maknare and Sridnji Kanal (Middle Channel). It extends in NW-SE direction. Obručar, popularly known as Sridnji (186 m) is the highest top on the narrow calcareous island ridge. Among its bays and coves the most interesting are Kablin, Hrvatinj, Muline, Triluke, Dunbočica and Permanje. Karst forms are the characteristics of its relief therefore there are not many fertile soils. Building of the nowadays Sestrunj village began with the arrival of the Croats who assimilated Illyrian and romanised inhabitants. The olive oil and vine could hardly satisfy their own needs. Lots of people have emigrated to USA, Canada and other overseas countries since the beginning of the 20th century. The new 2900 m long asphalted road between the ports Kablin and Hrvatinj passing through the village plays an important role in the present life of islanders. Numerous boats, several tractors, the watter supply (cisterns), electricity, the post office etc., contribute to the better life.

    1.300 rsd

    Lokacija prodavca: Novi Beograd
    Način slanja:
  • -Poštom
  • -Kurirskom službom
  • -Lično preuzimanje
  • Način plaćanja:
  • -Slanje po uplati
  • -Pouzećem
  • -Pilikom ličnog preuzimanja

    Šifra: 175369
    Prodavac: bakeja (4569)
    • Pozitivne: 1679
    • Negativne: 2
    • Neutralne: 6
    Prosecna ocena: 99,9%

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