FACE TO FACE WITH FEAR, A Loving Journey from Co-Dependency to Freedom
Autor: Krishnananda
Izdavač: Koregaon Publishing, Germany, First Edition, 1996.
Strana: 296
Face to Face with Fear offers a roadmap with specific tools and guidance for how to travel from co-dependency to love and meditation. Sharing openIy from his own life, his experiences working as a psychiatrist and seminar leader and his many years as a disciple of an en enlightened spiritual master, Krishnananda (Dr. Thomas Trobe) takes us on a journey of self discovery and self love. The approach and message of the book is simple. Through acceptance, understanding and spaciousness, we can uncover and heal the deepest wounds of our soul. This book is for anyone who dares and longs to mt explore the deepest issues in his or her life. Do we ever ask ourselves what causes so much anxiety? Why do we complain when we don`t get the love we want and need? What happens inside of us when we suffer a deep loss - a lover leaves or a parent dies? Hiding behind our protections, denial and addictive lifestyles, we are carrying a profoundly panicked and wounded inner child. How many of us have met this deeply frightened child? Until we make friends with our inner child, our life can never be a joyful and loving experience. Because of our panicked child, most of us live in co-dependency. We are not able to create or sustain intimate relationships. But when we open to our wounded vulnerability and begin to heal it, we bring love and fulfillment to our lives.