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  • Austria - Society and Regions
    Austria - Society and RegionsAustria - Society and RegionsAustria - Society and Regions

    Austria - Society and Regions

    Elisabeth Lichtenberger

    Polovna knjiga, izuzetno očuvana. Posveta na predlistu.

    Izdavač: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press - Vienna,
    2000. god.
    Tvrd povez, 24,5 cm.
    491 str. Kunstdruk, ilustracije pun kolor

    The book is the first geographic work on Austria to appear since the 1920s. It presents the results of research work in the fields of history, politics, regional planning, economics, sociology and the earth sciences, in part effected by the research focus Austria. Space and Society which was started by the Austrian Research Foundation in 1994 and coordinated by the author. The book`s purpose is threefold: 1. to furnish a representative introduction to the country - a sort of a calling card, 2. to serve as information base for the sophisticated general reader on account ot the variety of topics covered and the wealth of its maps and statistical data, 3. to inform the international scientific community about Austrian problems of European relevance, e.g. the three-dimensional superimposition of the international leisure society upon the local society in high mountain environments, the impact of international migration upon segregation in urban and rural areas, the development of new regional disparities through the internationalization of the real estate market.

    Knjiga je na engleskom jeziku

    Komunikacija isključivo porukama na sajtu Korisna knjiga. Plaćanje pre slanja. Knjige šaljem kao preporučenu tiskovinu, paket, Post Express-om Poštarina isključivo na teret kupca. Knjige ne šaljem pouzećem. Za oštećenja nastala u transportu, ne odgovaram, ali ću se truditi da robu zapakujem najbolje moguće, i da je obezbedim od bilo kakvih oštećenja. Šaljem u inostranstvo po cenovniku Pošte Srbije (uplata Western Union-om). Na teritoriji Novog Sada preuzimanje knjiga je moguće na adresi koju ćete dobiti porukom (Novo naselje). Zbog velikog broja predmeta, molim Vas da pre kupovine proverite da li imam predmet koji želite putem poruke na sajtu Korisna knjiga.

    2.000 rsd

    Lokacija prodavca: Novi Sad
    Način slanja:
  • -Poštom
  • -Kurirskom službom
  • -Lično preuzimanje
  • Način plaćanja:
  • -Slanje po uplati
  • -Pilikom ličnog preuzimanja

    Šifra: 226864
    Prodavac: LukiVikt (2089)
    • Pozitivne: 27
    • Negativne: 0
    • Neutralne: 0
    Prosecna ocena: 100,0%

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